Executive Board

Co-Chairs: Oversees and directs the PTO activities. Serves as a liaison to the Principal, School Administration, parents and PTO.

Treasurer: Responsible for all PTO accounting, including payment of bills, preparation, and posting all monthly financial information for Executive Board review, preparation of an annual budget and ensuring the proper filing of required State and Federal taxes documents. The PTO Treasurer shall also coordinate with and serve as backup to the Project Graduation Treasurer.

Communications Secretary: Principle liaisons between the Executive Board, the high school community and the school administration. Works with Co-Chairs to write PTO communications through emails, social media posts and newsletters. Also serve as point person for communication dissemination between committee chairs and prepares and maintains minutes from General and Committee meetings.

Website Coordinator: Works closely with the Communications Secretary and the Student Website Coordinator to maintain the WMMHS PTO Website.

Student Website Coordinator: Maintains the WMMHS PTO Website and makes changes and additions to the site, as needed.

Hospitality Coordinator: Serves as organizer for PTO sponsored breakfast/luncheons and recruits volunteers and items for these events. Plan, coordinate and execute thoughtful events and activities for teachers, associates and staff during Teacher Appreciation week in May

The Chairs of each of the respective PTO Committees as considered members of the PTO Executive Board

If you have any questions and/or ideas for the PTO, please email us at [email protected].